RJD leader Lalu Prasad Yadav has given a controversial statement on Bihar CM Nitish Kumar on Tuesday. When Lalu Yadav was asked about Nitish Kumar’s ‘Mahila Samvad Yatra’, he said – ‘He is going to burn his eyes. Let it go, they are just winking. First he will close his eyes and then think about forming the government. It is noteworthy that Nitish Kumar has already announced Mahila Samvad Yatra in Bihar. Assembly elections are going to be held in Bihar next year.




BJP protested

BJP leader Prabhakar Mishra condemned this statement of Lalu Yadav. He said that Lalu Yadav has made cheap remarks. Where did the people of his party go to sleep? If this matter comes to light, many people will be exposed. Lalu made lewd jokes with women of your age, Lalu Yadav.


What is Mahila Samvad Programme?

Let us tell you that Nitish cabinet has approved the organization of women’s dialogue program. Approval has been given to spend a total of Rs 226 crore on this journey. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar will talk to women across the state about the work done by the state government for women empowerment. 48 percent voters in Bihar are women. Politically, women voters are Nitish’s solid vote bank. It is believed that Nitish Kumar can start his journey after the winter session of Bihar Assembly in December (25 to 29 November).

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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