Swaraj Machindra Shinde of Maharashtra bagged two medals – one gold and one silver – setting a new national record at the 62nd National Roller-Skating Championships, ongoing at Mysore, Bengaluru and Coimbatore in Karnataka. A student of ICSE Vidya Vikasini high school, and trains at DM Sports Academy in Vasai. He bagged one gold and one silver at the 7-9 cadet male one lap round.  

Swaraj, create new national record at the competition with 26:64 seconds. The previous record was 26:98 in the cadet age group.    

In 2022, Swaraj participated in the national competition held in Bangalore. However, he is  not received any medal in that but is confidence was boosted by winning 2 bronze medals at the National Open Roller Skating Championships held in Goa in May of the same year.

Swaraj is a student of DM Sports Academy in Vasai and coach Dixon Martin trained him well before this year’s national tournament. Before the competition, for 30 days, they were trained by him at 4.30 am every day. After two hours of practice, Swaraj would go straight to school from there. He had the same schedule in the exam as well. He got the fruits of hard work. Swaraj’s father Machindra said that Coach Martin also played a big role in it. 

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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