Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): The police have raided three flats located in a Government Multi of Mahalgaon, Gwalior and arrested 14 youths in connection with online betting through Mahadev App. The police have also seized passbooks, laptops, mobile phones, and other stuff from their houses.

The accused are residents of Gwalior, Datia, Delhi, Bihar and Jhansi.

SP Gwalior Dharamveer Singh Yadav told Free Press that the action was taken after the Gwalior Crime Branch Police had received information that online betting is being done through Mahadev App from the flats of A Block No. MIG 7 of Prime Minister Government Housing Colony, Mahalgaon.

According to information received, the Gwalior Crime Branch police was given a tip that some youths have been operating online betting through Mahadev App from Multi in Mahalgaon. Acting swiftly, the police raided three flats. As soon as the bookies saw the crime branch, they tried to run away but the police didn’t give them a chance to ran and detained 14 youths.

The police have recovered 45 bank passbooks, 22 cheque books, 133 debit cards, 03 laptops, 30 mobile phones, one note counting machine, one printer, one 32 bore pistol. The police have recovered all the possessions.

When the police scrutinised their laptops, a website was found open in which they placed bets through the online Mahadev app. Moreover, the police have recovered more than one crore worth of accounts from them.

The police have started interrogating the main accused Aman Sharma and his 13 other associates. At present, the police have registered a case against the 14 arrested accused. Further investigations are underway.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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