BJP has once again opened the front of allegations regarding the relationship between American businessman George Soros and Congress. BJP made several posts on social media X alleging that former Congress President Sonia Gandhi has links with an organization funded by the George Soros Foundation. BJP said that this organization is anti-India and supporter of separatism. The BJP said that as co-chair of the Forum of Democratic Leaders in Asia Pacific Foundation, Sonia Gandhi is associated with an organization funded by the George Soros Foundation.

Controversial statements regarding Kashmir

BJP has made many allegations against Sonia Gandhi and Congress in several posts one after the other on X. BJP has claimed that the Forum of Democratic Leaders in Asia Pacific has given a controversial statement regarding Kashmir. Bharatiya Janata Party said that the association of Sonia and George Soros shows the influence of foreign organizations in the internal affairs of India. Whereas this cooperation of both also shows their joint objective to stop and block the development of India.

Impact of foreign funds on Indian institutions

The BJP further claimed that Sonia Gandhi, as chairperson of the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, has a partnership with the George Soros Foundation. This shows the influence of foreign funds on Indian institutions.

Shashi Tharoor calls George Soros an old friend

The BJP also said that Rahul Gandhi’s press conference on the Adani issue was live telecast by the George Soros-funded OCCRP. This has exposed their strong and dangerous ties and their efforts to derail the Indian economy. At the same time, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor has also publicly described George Soros as his old friend. This is also something to think about.

Damage to India’s image

The BJP claimed that Sonia Gandhi, as co-chair of the Forum of Democratic Leaders of the Asia Pacific Foundation, is associated with an organization funded by the George Soros Foundation. Earlier on Thursday, the BJP had also claimed that the US “deep state” has come into contact with OCCRP Rahul Gandhi to damage India’s image.


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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