Comedia Samay Raina’s India’s Got Latent is one of the most popular shows right now and has received widespread acclaim. Recently, Raina shared that Kusha Kapila’s ex-husband, Zorawar Ahluwalia, is all set to enter as a guest in the upcoming episodes. This comes after Samay’s controversial divorce roast on Kusha in Pretty Good Roast Show Season 1, where he took multiple digs at Kusha’s divorce and sex life, he also called her a “gold digger.”
Samay Raina’s guest list has included a diverse range of celebrities, such as Farah Khan, Mukesh Chhabra, Ahsaas Channa, Bhuvan Bam, Kr$na, Ashish Vidyarthi, Dalip Tahil, Vishal Dadlani, and more.
Check it out:
Photo Via Instagram
Later, in response to Samay’s roast, Kusha stated that her reaction was delayed as she was “frozen”. Issuing a clarification on her YouTube community notes, she wrote, “Friends, a recent roast I was a part of has led a lot of my female and queer followers to question why did I sit through something that could have been completely avoided and WITH GOOD REASON. Here’s my two cents: It was done in good faith and for a friend. Nobody has been paid (neither comics nor guests) for it so the argument that people are ‘being paid big fat cheques to hear their insults’ is baseless.”
She added, “This has been a huge learning for me too since over the course of last six months during negotiations, I have been told that I deserve these jokes and that as a divorced woman, I should have seen this coming. Maybe I should have and maybe silence on this topic is seen as cowardice but it’s mostly choosing peace over endless discourse that will likely villainise women. Simultaneously, when you don’t speak, people also choose to believe whatever they want to. So this is me clearing the air as much as I can and advising women artists to have strict riders in place.”
Later, Kusha blocked Samay on Instagram.
Kusha married Zorawar in 2017. They announced their separation in June 2023.