Especially home remedies for cough, today we will talk about natural remedies for cough. Cough which is a common problem in our daily life, some easy home remedies can be done to get rid of it.

First of all let’s talk about the martyr. Just one or two teaspoons is enough to kill dead bacteria. But be careful, never give martyr to children under one year old, as there is a risk of botulism.

Talking about hot water, it does not clear the blocked nose but it is very beneficial in calming cough. A sip of hot tea or warm water is very relaxing.

The next recipe is ginger, some of the pure substances present in it can relax our breathing muscles. You can chew ginger raw or add it to honey and drink it in hot tea.

The role of water is also very important. Drinking more water not only provides relief from sore throat, but it also thins the mucus, so that we do not cough again and again.


Steam is also very effective in treating cough. It provides relief to our throat and respiratory system by providing moisture.

So these were some home remedies which can give you relief from cough.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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