The first prototype of the Vande Bharat Sleeper trainset has been manufactured and will undergo field trials. The timeline of the rollout of the train is subject to the successful completion of the trials. Union Minister of Railways, Information & Broadcasting, and Electronics & Information Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw, in a statement, laid on the table of the House of Rajya Sabha last week, said that presently, Vande Bharat Sleeper Trains planned for long and medium distance journeys are equipped with modern features and passenger amenities.

Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw On Medium-Distance Vande Bharat Train Services

Talking about medium-distance Vande Bharat train services, the Union Minister said that as of 02nd December 2024, 136 Vande Bharat train services with Chair Car Coaches are running across the Indian Railways network. Of these, 16 Vande Bharat Express services cater to the needs of stations located in the States of Tamil Nadu.

The longest distance Vande Bharat train services are running between Delhi and Banaras, covering a distance of 771 km. He further added that the introduction of new train services, including Vande Bharat services and its variants, is an ongoing process on Indian Railways subject to traffic justification, operational feasibility, resource availability, etc.

This train set is also equipped with HL3 fire safety standards. HL3 is the highest of the three hazard levels (HL1, HL2, and HL3) set by the European railway standard. The standard outlines specific tests and methods for evaluating fire performance, including flame spread, smoke emission, and toxic gas production.

Some of the distinguished features and amenities of these trains are as under:

Vande Bharat Sleeper Trainset fitted with Kavach system, 

CCTV surveillance cameras in all coaches.

Crashworthy and Jerk-Free Semi-permanent couplers and Anti-Climbers.

Crashworthy Design of Carbody complying with EN standards.

Regenerative braking system for energy efficiency.

Higher Average speed with quick deceleration and acceleration.

Emergency talk-back unit for communication between Passenger and Train Manager/Loco Pilot in case of emergency.

Accommodation and accessible toilets for Passengers with Restricted Mobility (PRM) in the driving coaches on each end.

Centrally controlled Automatic Plug Doors and Fully Sealed wider gangways.

Ergonomically designed ladder for ease of climbing on to upper berths.

Centralized Coach Monitoring System for better condition monitoring of passenger amenities such as Air conditioning, Saloon Lighting etc.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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