Comedian and actor Sunil Pal was kidnapped in Delhi on December 2 and he escaped after paying a ransom of Rs 8 lakh to the kidnappers. And now, a new CCTV footage has surfaced online in which the kidnappers can be seen buying jewellery from a store in Meerut using the ransom money.
According to reports, Pal was kidnapped in Delhi and was then taken to Meerut, where he was blindfolded and kept in a room. The kidnappers demanded a ransom of Rs 20 lakh from him, however, post negotiation, they brought it down to Rs 8 lakh. The comedian then paid the sum after getting the money from his friends.
The CCTV footage that has now surfaced shows two men, who are accused of kidnapping Pal, visiting a jewellery store in Meerut and buying jewellery using the ransom money. They made a purchase of Rs 4 lakh at a jewellery store in Sadar Bazar and Rs 2.25 lakh at another store in Lal Kurti area. They also asked the jewellers to make bills under Pal’s name.
The Mumbai Police have now frozen the bank accounts of both the jewellers, and 5-6 men have been booked in the kidnapping case. Cops are now looking into the CCTV footage to find more clues about the kidnappers.
It all unfolded after Pal’s wife approached the Mumbai Police on December 3 and filed a missing plaint for her husband. The comedian was later found as he returned home on December 4, and he revealed that he was kidnapped while he was on his way to Haridwar for an event.
In his statement to the cops, Pal said that he was picked by a car, deemed to be that sent by the organisers, at the Delhi airport, and they made a pitstop at an eatery in Meerut. It was then that he was blindfolded and forced to sit in another car, and was held captive for two days.
The kidnappers reportedly left Pal in the middle of the road in Meerut and even gave him Rs 20,000 to return to Mumbai.