Telugu actor Manchu Manoj was spotted outside a private hospital in Hyderabad amid reports of rift with his father, veteran actor Mohan Babu. A video has been doing the rounds on social media platforms, in which Manoj is seen leaving the hospital with his wife, Bhuma Mounika, and others amid security. However, it is not known why the actor was hospitalised as he has remained tight-lipped about his injury.

In a now-viral video, Manoj can be seen wearing a cervical collar and relying on the support of those around him to walk. He was hospitalised on Sunday (December 8). If media reports are to be believed, Manoj suffered serious injuries after he was beaten by some people.

Reports have also stated that his family dispute landed him in trouble. A Pahadi Shareef, Hyderabad, police official informed The New Indian Express that they had received a call from the actor’s house. “However, we have not received any complaint from anyone regarding the incident. It was just a family issue,” the official stated.

On the other hand, media reports suggest that Mohan Babu’s aides thrashed Manoj after which they lodged a police complaint against each other. Later, Manchu family’s PRO team slammed the reports and clarified that the father-son duo did not file any complaint with cops.

Manchu family often makes headlines for all the wrong reasons. In 2023, a video purportedly showing Mohan Babu’s elder son Manchu Vishnu and Manoj engaging in a verbal spat had gone viral on social media.

Manoj has not reacted to his hospital video or to reports of rift with his father yet.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Manoj was last seen as a police officer in the 2018 film Operation 2019. He will next be seen in films like Mirai, Bhairavam and What The Fish.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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