The Worli police on Sunday arrested a 36-year-old man from Ajmer in connection with a conspiracy to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The accused, Mohammad Beg Mirza, works as a turner in a company in Ajmer.

On Saturday, after consuming alcohol, Mirza went to work but was sent home by his employer. Frustrated and in an inebriated state, he typed a message threatening the life of Modi and sent it to the traffic police control number. Mirza included his employer’s name in the threat message.

On Saturday, at 2am, the Mumbai Police traffic control room received a message on its mobile number claiming a conspiracy to assassinate the PM. The message also claimed that certain individuals were planning bomb blasts in Mumbai and Dhanbad and conspiring to undermine the Indian Army. Additionally, it alleged that one of the suspects was working for the Pakistani intelligence agency, ISI.

The message mentioned suspects involved in manufacturing illegal weapons in a company and attempting to harm the PM and the army. The message identified two individuals, Prince Khan and Irfan Razadia, claiming that one planned to carry out a bomb blast in Dhanbad and the other in Mumbai. It also included a mobile number linked to a person named Irfan.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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