The Shivaji Nagar Police arrested a 22-year-old man for allegedly stabbing an 18-year-old man to death following a petty quarrel on Saturday night. The incident occurred in the Barakupada area of Ambernath, within the jurisdiction of the Shivaji Nagar Police station, at around 12:30 AM. The deceased, identified as Tushar Dhede, 18, a porter, lived with his parents in Barakupada. The injured individual has been identified as Mahesh, 20. The accused is Samir Manna Waghe, 22.

According to the police, Tushar and his four friends were celebrating a party outside his house when the accused approached and began arguing over trivial matters. In a fit of rage, the accused grabbed a knife and stabbed Tushar twice. Mahesh intervened in an attempt to stop the fight and sustained injuries in the process. The accused then fled the scene. Locals rushed the victims to Central Hospital in Ulhasnagar, where Tushar was declared dead upon arrival. Mahesh is currently receiving treatment at the hospital.

Ramesh Patil, Senior Police Inspector from the Shivaji Nagar Police station, said, “We have arrested the accused and will produce him in court on Monday.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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