Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Bhopal Police on Sunday arrested a tutor for allegedly raping two sisters including a 14-year-old-girl, who were taking tuitions from him in Chhola area. Chhola police station in-charge Suresh Chandra Nagar said the accused, who runs private tuition classes, had been sexually abusing the two sisters, the elder being 20-year-old.
The man was blackmailing them with their objectionable pictures and threatened them with dire consequences if they disclosed the incidents, said the cop. On Saturday, the teacher called the two sisters on the pretext of extra classes and raped the elder girl and molested the younger one, said the officer.
On returning home, the younger girl gathered courage and confided in her mother about the incident. The girl informed that her tutor has been regularly making physical advances and molesting her since April 16. The teacher even warned her against speaking about the incident and threatened to kill her.
The minor girl informed her mother that the elder sister was also victim of teacher’s sexual assault. Recounting the ordeal, the younger girl said that on October 10, she had informed her sister about the teacher’s wrongdoings. Furious over his misconduct, the elder girl along with her younger sister went to the teacher and confronted him, said the cop. The tutor, however, caught hold of the two girls and held them hostage.
He then clicked their objectionable pictures and raped the elder girl and molested the younger one, said the police quoting the complaint. The family approached police on late Saturday night and filed a rape complaint against the tutor. The police booked the accused under Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) laws and POCSO Act. The man was arrested on Sunday and presented before local court, which remanded him to judicial custody.