Actor Ranbir Kapoor, last seen in Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal, is all set to appear next in Ramayana Part 1, directed by Nitesh Tiwari. In the film, Kapoor will play the role of Lord Ram, alongside Sai Pallavi, who will portray Sita. Recently, the actor attended the prestigious Red Sea International Film Festival 2024 in Jeddah, where he opened up about Ramayana for the first time, calling it a “dream role.”
Ranbir said, “The film I’m working on currently is Ramayana, which is the greatest story ever. My childhood friend Namit Malhotra, somebody who is so passionately making this film, has got best of all the artists from the world – creative people, and the crew.”
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Furthermore, Kapoor talked about playing the role of Lord Ram and mentioned that he has completed shooting for the first part of Ramayana. He also added that the second part will go on floors soon. “Just to be a part of that story, I am so humbled to essay Ram’s role. It’s a dream for me. It’s a film that has everything. It teaches what Indian culture is about — family dynamics and husband-wife dynamics,” stated Ranbir.
Meanwhile, Ramayana Part: 1 is slated to release in 2026, while the second part in 2027.
While the official cast of the film has not been revealed, Yash confirmed that will play the role of Ravana, and Ravie Dubey will essay the character of Lakshman in Ramayana Part 1.
Earlier, several photos went viral on social media from the sets of Ramayana, where Ranbir and Sai were seen dressed as Lord Ram and Sita. Other photos featured Arun Govil and Lara Dutta in the roles of Raja Dashrath and Rani Kaikeyi, respectively.