Prayagraj, December 7: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reviewed the preparations for the Mahakumbh on Saturday, engaging in discussions with saints from 13 akharas in the Mahakumbh area. The meeting, which included reflections and views from various saints, emphasized the collective goal of ensuring a grand and divine Mahakumbh.
During the dialogue, old videos from previous meetings were shared, and saints expressed their unwavering support for CM Yogi, declaring him their “guardian.” They committed to working closely with the administration to ensure the Mahakumbh becomes a spiritually enriching and successful event.
Mahant Jamuna Puri, Secretary of the Shri Florida Arena Maha Nirvani Akhada, stated, “The Mahakumbh is ours, the fair is ours, so we all together will ensure its grandeur. The CM is our guardian, and the entire saint community stands with him.”
The meeting was attended by two representatives each from all the 13 akharas participating in the Mahakumbh. During the dialogue, every akhara presented its perspective to CM Yogi.
Mahant Priya Puri, President of the All India Arena Council, termed the meeting as “very fruitful,” highlighting that the Chief Minister shared his vision while also fostering open dialogue with all the akharas. Saints assured CM Yogi that they would work with full determination to make Mahakumbh a grand and successful event.