Actress Parineeti Chopra, last seen in Imtiaz Ali’s Amar Singh Chamkila alongside singer Diljit Dosanjh in the lead, received immense praise for her performance for her acting. Based on the life of musician Amar Singh Chamkila, she played the role of his second wife, Amarjot. However, earlier, she was also offered the role that went to Rashmika Mandanna in Animal with Ranbir Kapoor but chose to reject the film.

Sharing the real reason for choosing Chamkila over Animal, Parineeti Chopra revealed in India TV’s show Aap Ki Adalat, “I had to choose between the two films, and I chose Chamkila because I was already in love with the story. Little did I know that this film would also bring a love story of my own,” Parineeti added. ‘

To portray the role of Amarjot, Chopra gained 16 kg. Talking about the weight gain process, the actress shared that her sleep was affected and it took her 6 months of eating unhealthy food to gain weight. She also mentioned that her mood was affected, leaving her feeling low, and her stamina was at an all-time low during that time.

In with Raj Shamami’s podcast, Parineeti said, “No workouts for 6 months and this is me, who was doing weight trainings 4 times a week and cardio twice a week and I was at my prime at that time. Eating badly, drinking beverages that I don’t like. I don’t drink milkshakes and all these things. I was drinking all of those because very quickly (I wanted to gain). Also because I had 2 years of discipline to vo jaldi se ho bhi nahi raha tha.”

“I was not able to put on the weight. But I used to wear the clothes and it was Indian clothes, which are very complimenting. So, I used to look like myself. And I did not want to look like myself. I wanted to look like Amarjot ji. I had to. This was the project I had been waiting for, for 10 years of my life,” she added.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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