Mira Bhayandar: The Naya Nagar police have started cracking down on roadside stall owners using gas cylinders to cook illegally in Mira Road.  The police personnel impounded four Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders and registered cases under section 287 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) for negligent conduct with respect to fire or combustible mat­ter, against an equal number of offending stall owners on Saturday.

About The Case

The trend of cooking on stalls and carts has become an extremely dangerous trend which poses a serious threat to customers and innocent pedestrians in case the cylinder explodes due to lack of proper handling. However, action eludes influential gas dealers and their agents who are also the beneficiaries of the trade and are seldom questioned for their involvement in encouraging the illegalities, raising a serious question mark on the pick-and-choose policy and biased approach adopted by the law enforcing agencies. 

While hundreds of handcarts and food vans cooking and selling food items are seen stationed at key public places-especially on pavements across the twin-city, there have been instances where innocent people have become victims of LPG gas cylinder explosions. It has been observed that despite such blue-moon action, the offenders are seen back in business within a couple of days.

Ironically, the fire brigade and anti-encroachment wing attached to the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation (MBMC) and the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) authorities have chosen to remain mute spectators to the brazen illegalities, thus compromising the safety of citizens.  

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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