In a horrifying incident, an elderly woman was brutally attacked by a pack of stray dogs on a street in the Titwala area of Maharashtra’s Thane district. The spine-chilling video shows four stray dogs mauling the defenseless woman, dragging her approximately 50 meters as she lay helpless on the ground. The dogs tore her clothes apart during the attack, leaving her severely injured. The incident occurred in the early hours of Saturday, around 1 am, according to the viral footage.

The video also reveals bloodstains on the street, and the woman appears to be unconscious from the continuous biting and dragging. Her ordeal ended when a group of men, seemingly the guards of nearby buildings, armed with sticks, entered the scene and rescued her.

The severely injured woman was rushed to Goveli Primary Hospital and later transferred to the Central Hospital in Ulhasnagar before being referred to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Hospital in Kalwa. She is now battling for her life at Mumbai’s JJ Hospital, according to The Times of India.

The Kalyan Taluka Police, who are investigating the case, suspect that the 68-year-old victim may be a beggar.

The police have not yet been able to ascertain the identity of the victim, and her relatives have not contacted the authorities. The incident has created an atmosphere of fear among the locals. Many social media users have reacted to the video, demanding that the local civic body take action to neutralize the stray dogs.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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