It is believed by yogis and wise men that the entire cosmos is connected in some way and specially today’s experts in quantum mechanics are all pointing towards this possibility. What are your views on this?

Sadhguru: Today, modern scientists have come up with what is called as constructional theory. They are talking about how whether it is a leaf, or a mountain, or the solar system, or the universe, fundamentally, the most basic aspects of the design are same. Whether it is atomic or cosmic, an amoeba or a human being, the fundamental design is same. Only in terms of sophistication and complexity it is multiplying manifold in the process of evolution. In the yogic system, we have always said anda, pinda and brahmanda are same. The individual creation and the larger creation are not different because if you know this piece of creation that is yourself, by inference, you can know every aspect of creation. Based on this, yoga is about understanding or aligning your individual geometry to the cosmic geometry, so that you have an access point to everything in this cosmos, that you become competent enough to download the cosmos.

What are the first few steps that a person can take who want to find their true essence?

Sadhguru: Knowledge is accumulated information. What you call a cookbook or a textbook is just that – accumulated knowledge. When we have to do something physical or material – whether cooking your meal or manufacturing cars – you need accumulated knowledge because you have to make use of the past experience of life of so many other people and all the generations which have lived on the planet.

Knowing, on the other hand, is neither intellectual nor accumulative. If you pass a flowering plant and you know the chemistry of its fragrance, that is one dimension of knowledge. If you know the experience and ecstasy of that fragrance, that is another dimension of knowledge. But if you become the fragrance, that is knowing – a knowing that is 100 percent experiential, 100 percent alive, here and now.

When it comes to the life, which you are, you cannot have knowledge about it because it is life – you have to perceive it, you have to know it now. If you come to a conclusion about life from accumulated knowledge, it will become prejudiced knowledge. It will not allow you to experience anything afresh. To conduct life you need clarity, not knowledge. Knowledge should not encroach upon your clarity of perception. If it does, you will not see anything the way it is. The old knowledge will constantly superimpose itself. Nothing new will ever happen to you.

If you want to know yourself, don’t read a book written by someone and accumulate knowledge. You need to look within. When the creator is throbbing within you every moment, you must look within. If you turn inward, everything that needs to be known can be known.

What is critical for today’s entrepreneurs to know that no one is telling them?

Sadhguru: Leadership on the planet today is mostly driven by personal ambition. Is there something wrong with ambition? No, it is just that ambition is an exaggeration of the existing. If you know wealth, you want more wealth. If you know power, you want more power. So ambition is just an exaggeration of the existing. It is very important that the business leadership develops a new level of vision, where it thinks not as a small entity, but as a possibility in the world. Vision, as the word itself suggests, is essentially a new possibility. Vision is always inclusive. Ambition is aggressive. Vision is an embrace. Ambition is a conquest. If I conquer someone, they become mine unwillingly and will do everything possible to make my life miserable. If I embrace someone, they become mine willingly, and that makes all the difference. If we go about business as usual, people say we have only fifteen or twenty years left on this planet.

It is time we structured our businesses so that they are more inclusive in the way we function. After all, the human need and the human ambition itself is not to take, but to expand and grow. You can say you have really grown only if you are capable of including all eight billion people into your business. At least that should be the goal. Only when that is the goal we can say it is visionary. Ambition is about more. Vision is about all. We have to move from more to all.

In his Ask Sadhguru column, the spiritual leader talks about intelligence being important to live life sensibly

Sadhguru is a Yogi, mystic, visionary and a New York Times bestselling author. He is also the founder of Conscious Planet – Save Soil

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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