Palamu, December 7 (HS). The court of Chief District and Sessions Judge Nalin Kumar of Garhwa under Palamu division on Saturday sentenced Naxalite organization JJMP commander Tunesh Ji alias Tunesh Oraon, resident of Lami of Bhandaria police station, to life imprisonment on charges of murder. Has been sentenced to imprisonment. Besides, the court has also imposed a fine of Rs 20 thousand. In case of non-payment of fine, he will have to undergo additional punishment of one year. Tunesh Oraon is currently lodged in Garhwa Mandal Jail.

An FIR was registered on 22 December 2008 in Bhandaria police station on the statement of Chandradev Yadav, a resident of Tehri in Bhandaria police station area, in which it was alleged that on 21 December 2008, at 10 pm, a group of CPI Maoist organization attacked Ramesh Panik’s house in village Barkol. Naxalites caught Ashrafi Yadav, Vishnu Panik and Ramesh Panik and took all three and beat them up from their house. Hue Boli Road started taking towards Deepatoli.

During this time, Ramesh Panik and Vishnu Panik were beaten up and left and Ashrafi Yadav was shot dead with the intention of killing them and after seeing him they ran away leaving the dead body. Ashrafi Yadav was murdered because he ran away with Rs 3 lakh and weapons from the levy.

In this regard, a FIR was lodged against Naxalite organization members Vinay ji, Varsha ji, Jagdish ji, Ritesh ji, Inderjit ji, Vishwanath ji, Keshwar ji, Tunesh ji alias Tunesh Oraon, Dilip Sao and 30-35 others, in which In light of this, investigation was done through Bhandaria police and charge sheet was submitted.

Supplementary charge sheet was presented in the court against Tunesh ji alias Tunesh Oraon. Taking cognizance of the court, charges were framed against Tunesh ji and punishment was given on the basis of evidence and available documents. Additional Public Prosecutor Jagdev Sahu appeared on behalf of the prosecution and advocate Ashok Pandey appeared on behalf of the defense.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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