Varanasi, 07 December (HS). Railway Board Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Satish Kumar along with General Manager, North Eastern Railway Soumya Mathur on Saturday took stock of the facilities for the devotees coming to Prayagraj Mahakumbh-2025. Chief Executive Officer and GM North Eastern Railway also conducted trolley inspection of the important bridge under construction on river Ganga between Jhunsi-Prayagraj Rambagh. Both the officers also inspected Jhunsi, Prayagraj and Rambagh railway stations. While reviewing the ongoing passenger facility expansion works at the stations, he directed to complete the remaining development works with quality within the stipulated time frame.

Chairman Railway Board, for the convenience of passengers during the Kumbh Mela, newly constructed passenger reservation centre, unreserved ticket counter, temporary food and water vending stalls, waiting rooms, additional entry and exit routes, permanent and temporary platforms, passenger shed, RCC benches, foot overs. Visited the spot and saw the condition of bridge, temporary waiting rooms, CCTV surveillance, boundary wall and proper crowd management, control room and passenger amenity development works. During the inspection, he assessed all the stations falling in the fair area, the safety of their tracks, speed and operational arrangements, safety of passengers, security and facilities. He inspected the passenger waiting room, boundary wall, high mast light, temporary toilet and approach road for night commuting constructed in the circulating area of ​​the newly constructed second entry at Jhunsi station. After this, he checked the completeness of all the works including the construction work being done on the station building, foot over bridge and platform.

During this, ED/Railway Board Sanjeev Kumar, Chief Administrative Officer Construction Abhay Kumar Gupta, Divisional Railway Manager Varanasi Vineet Kumar Srivastava, Managing Director Pradeep Gaur etc. were also present.

— Total doubling work of 113.59 km completed

According to North Eastern Railway officials, a total of 113.59 km doubling from Banaras to Jhunsi has been completed with electrified lines. After completion of the remaining Prayagraj Rambagh to Jhunsi (7.36 km), it is scheduled to be opened after CRS inspection along with the important bridge on December 11, 2024. After this this entire railway section will be doubled. Due to which the line capacity on this railway section will increase. This will make it possible for more passenger trains to operate at a faster speed and travel time will be reduced.

In view of the increasing traffic on the Banaras-Prayagraj railway section, the Railway Ministry had approved the doubling of the section. The doubling work of this doubling project including electrification of Banaras-Jhusi (120.96 km) has been completed at a cost of Rs 1600 crore. This doubled railway line with electrification is located in Varanasi, Mirzapur, Sant Ravidas Nagar and Prayagraj districts. This project was completed in 07 phases.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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