Delhi: In a tragic incident, a famous chef died of heart attack while driving in Delhi’s Chanakyapuri. The deceased has been identified as Bijon Chetia, who was a chef at Bukhara, ITC Maurya Sheraton, in Delhi. The incident occurred when Chetia was driving to work from his home in Dwarka. His car allegedly hit a divider in Chanakyapuri after he suffered a heart attack while driving.

As per reports, the incident occurred on Friday (December 6) after his car collided with a divider. However, it is not clear if the accident occurred due to the cardiac arrest or the cardiac arrest happened due to the accident. He was rushed to the Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital where the authorities declared him brought dead. The police have initiated an investigation into the matter.

The police have sent the dead body for post-mortem and are awaiting the report to carry out further investigation. There are reports that Chetia’s friend is taking care of the legal procedures at the Chanakyapuri Police Station as the case involves an accident.

The tragic news of the incident was shared by his friend Utpal Borpujari. He shared the news on Facebook and said, “Life is so uncertain. Childhood friend Bijon Chetia, a chef with Bukhara at ITC Maurya, Delhi, suffered a cardiac arrest while driving to work from his home at Dwarka. His car hit a divider in Chanakyapuri as he suffered the stroke. Doctors at RML declared him brought dead. Adieu friend. May you continue playing the guitar and crack your jokes, and, of course, whip up your delicious dishes, on the other side.”

The incidents of deaths due to sudden heart attacks have spiked in the country. Many incidents have come to the fore where people have lost their lives due to sudden heart attacks in the recent past. The government should raise awareness and take appropriate measures to curb the incidents of heart attacks. Training should be provided to government officials, especially those at airports, railway stations and other public transports where people travel in large numbers.

There have been instances where people have suffered heart attacks in moving trains. Youngsters and kids are also not immune from sudden heart attacks. The increasing number of heart attack cases is also said to be linked with COVID-19 as the cases have witnessed a sharp rise after the pandemic.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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