Bollywood filmmaker and choreographer Farah Khan will host the upcoming Weekend Ka Vaar episode of Bigg Boss 18 instead of Salman Khan. In the latest promo of Sunday’s episode, Farah is seen praising contestant Karan Veer Mehra and comparing him with Bigg Boss 13 winner, late actor Sidharth Shukla. However, her comments did not go down well with a section of audience who took to social media to express their disappointment.
In one of the promos shared by the makers officially, Farah named Karan as one of the standout contestants of the season. Known for her bold and candid remarks, Farah praised his dynamic presence and also suggested the show could be renamed as ‘The Karan Veer Mehra Show’.
Taking her praise a step further, she drew a comparison between Karan and Sidharth, remembered for his commanding presence and fearless approach to conflicts. “The last time I saw a contestant being targeted like this was Siddharth Shukla, and he went on to win the show,” Farah is heard saying in the video.
Farah’s statements have sparked heated debates among the show’s dedicated fanbase. Slamming her, a user wrote on X, “Being a fan is okay.. But Sidharth Shukla se kahan comparison yaar 😂 Hadd hai.”
Another user commented, “No comparison between siddarth and karan. Sidhart was very respectful and gentleman.”
“This comparison is absolutely wrong. No one is like or near him. Sid never got spoon feeding or sympathy from makers. He ate burnt paratha and got sick. Karanveer is eating the best food at 8 in the morning,” wrote another user on X.
Here’s how other users reacted:
Needless to mention, Karan’s fans were quite happy after seeing Farah praise him. During the episode, it is said that Karan also received a special medal from Farah on behalf of all his fans.
In another promo, Farah is also seen schooling Eisha Singh for being ‘obsessed’ with Karan. She asked Eisha to focus on other things inside the house and stop complaining only about Karan.
Bigg Boss 18 currently has Chaahat Pandey, Shrutika Arjun Raaj, Chum Darang, Avinash Mishra, Tajinder Bagga, Shilpa Shirodkar, Karan, Vivian Dsena, Sara Arfeen Khan, Rajat Dalal, Eisha, Digvijay Singh Rathee, Kashish Kapoor, Yamini Malhotra and Edin Rose as contestants.