Mumbai: Customs department officials have arrested a tourist from abroad, a female employee working at the airport and an employee of a food stall in the case of gold smuggling at Mumbai Airport. In this action one and a half kilo gold has been seized. The price of this gold in the international market is Rs 1.05 crore. Information about other accused involved in this international smuggling network is being sought.
The officer had received information that gold was being smuggled from Dubai to Mumbai. In such a situation, Mushahid Ansari, a suspicious passenger who had come to Mumbai airport by plane from Dubai, was finally kept under surveillance. After landing at Mumbai airport, Ansari was charging his phone at the mobile charging point.
Meanwhile, a girl named Sonali, who worked at the airport, contacted him and the accused Ansari gave the purse to Sonali.
At that time the officers caught Sonali and interrogated her. One and a half kilos of gold was found in his wallet. Sonali confessed that Ansari had given this gold. Sonali had to give this wallet to Tarbez, who worked at a food stall outside the airport. Hence, a case was registered against the trio and further investigation was conducted.