Health News: People often like to reheat foods and eat them. But reheating these food items is harmful for us. Also, such food items cool down when heated and become harmful for us when heated again.
spicy food; hot food
We like to eat hot food. Even if our favorite food gets cold, we heat it again and eat it. But do you know that doing so can be dangerous for you. Because some foods should not be reheated.
We eat rice. Rice is also good for our health. But do not reheat cold rice. Because due to this, a bacteria called Bacillus cereus can grow in it.
We like chicken. We also get protein from chicken. In such a situation, if you reheat cold chicken, its texture may change.
Reheating frozen eggs can cause the proteins in them to form harmful compounds. The structure of the egg is like rubber.
Spinach contains nitrate. If you reheat cooled vegetables, nitrosamines can form.
sea food
Reheating seafood after it has cooled can increase the risk. This is not good for health. Its taste also changes and then digestion does not occur properly.
Mushroom is also good for your health. It also contains high amount of protein. But if you heat it and eat it, it can produce bad protein and can be harmful to health.
Potato dishes are also not good for reheating. Food items like French fries are also fried with it. Potatoes can grow Clostridium botulinum bacteria when stored at room temperature. The effect of heat may increase instead of decreasing.