Raipur, 6 December (Hindu). Under the guidance of Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai, paddy is being procured easily from the farmers of the state.
In Chhattisgarh, the process of paddy procurement which started from 14th November is continuing continuously. 32.29 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been purchased in the state since November 14. So far 6.80 lakh farmers have sold their paddy in the state. In lieu of paddy purchase, Rs 6807 crore 82 lakh has been paid to these farmers under the bank linking system. This campaign of paddy procurement will run till 31 January 2025.

Food Department officials said here today that 27.68 lakh farmers have been registered for this Kharif year. This includes 1.45 lakh new farmers. This year, it is estimated that 160 lakh metric tonnes of paddy will be procured through 2739 procurement centres. Food Department officials said that today on December 6, 2.95 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been purchased from 66181 farmers. 76378 tokens were issued for this.

The state government has issued a helpline number for complaints and redressal in paddy procurement centres, whose number is. 0771-2425463. Any farmer selling paddy can solve his problems by calling this helpline number.

There is also facility for token application through the operator in the committee.

Officials of the Food Department said that the facility has been provided to the farmers to apply for token for selling paddy in the procurement centers through the committee module and Token Tuhar Haath app. 40 percent of the total token applications have been reserved through the committee module and 60 percent through the app. Farmers who are facing difficulty in applying for token through the app can apply for token through the operator in the committee. After making the necessary entries during the application by the farmers, the day for selling paddy can be selected in the vacant slot from the date of application till January 15, 2025. Small and marginal farmers have been provided the facility of 02 tokens and large farmers have been provided 03 tokens.

Rs 25 per piece for farmer gunny bags

According to the new gunny gunny policy of the Government of India, paddy is to be procured in new and old gunny bags in the ratio of 50 to 50. Based on the estimated paddy procurement of 160 lakh tonnes in the state, adequate gunny bags have been arranged in all the procurement centres. Miller gunny bags, PDS gunny bags and gunny bags provided by the committee are being used in the procurement centers. In special circumstances, Kisan gunny bags have also been used, for which an amount of Rs 11 crore 23 lakh has been given to Apex Bank for payment to the farmers at the rate of Rs 25 per piece.

72,194 bales of gunny bags available in paddy procurement centers

A total of 4 lakh bales of new gunny bags are required to procure paddy at support price, against which 3.51 lakh new gunny bags have been received by the state, the remaining gunny bags will be received in the next 15 to 20 days. Till now, 32392 bales of PDS gunny bags, 23078 bales of miller gunny bags and 10176 bales of farmer gunny bags have been used in paddy procurement. PDS gunny bags 18985 bales, Miller gunny bags 54209 bales are available for use in procurement centres. At present there is no shortage of gunny bags in any procurement center of the state.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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