Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): More than one dozen bills are likely to be tabled in the upcoming Winter Session of the Assembly. Most important of them are the two bills which intend to remove the provisions that allowed the assembly secretariat to pay the income tax of the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, and Leader of Opposition.
Apart from this, the Higher Education Department is going to table the bill which vouches amendments in five sections to replace the word Vice Chancellor (Kulpati) as ‘Kulguru’.
Once assembly passes the bill, then in the communication letter, ‘To Kulguru’ will be written instead of ‘To Vice Chancellor’.
Likewise, under ease of business, a new ‘Jan Vishwas Vidheyak, which encompasses provisions for at least four or five departments, is going to be tabled in the House.
Excise department is also preparing to come up with at least two bills and one is related to registration.
One bill is related to an amendment to be done in Nagar Palika Act. Sources in the Parliamentary Affairs Department said that the Energy Department is also going to table one bill related to electricity charges. All the aforesaid bills are in the final stage and being reviewed at the department level so that there shall not be any kind of discrepancies.