Paresh Goswami Agahi: Even though the month of December has started, winter has not yet arrived in Gujarat as expected. It remained cloudy in some parts of Gujarat due to the impact of Cyclone ‘Fangal’ which hit the coast of South India. While the state recorded a rise in temperatures, scattered rain also occurred in some parts. In such a situation, well-known meteorologist Paresh Goswami has made a big prediction regarding the cold in the state.

Paresh Goswami said that a strong western disturbance is currently passing through the hilly areas of North India like Jammu-Kashmir, Leh-Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, due to which snowfall has started there. Its icy winds will blow from north-east towards Gujarat. Due to this, there will be a cold period in Gujarat.

Till now Gujarat has seen only a short spell of cold for 2-3 days. In which the minimum temperature was recorded at 11 to 12 degrees. However, there will be a good spell of cold in the next 2 days. During this cold period which lasts for 4-5 days, the minimum temperature can go below 10 degrees.

During this period, the temperature may go below 10 degrees in Idar, Palanpur, Vav, Iqbalgarh, Vav, Tharat of North Gujarat and Mundra, Mandvi of Kutch. Whereas in Saurashtra also the temperature will fall in Amreli, Junagadh and Una. Severe cold may occur in other parts of the state also. Meanwhile, you will feel cold in the afternoon.

Although this period cannot be called a cold wave, there is a need for severe cold. The coldest onset of the actual winter of 2024 is likely to occur during this period. Haven’t felt cold yet, but cold weather will start in two days.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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