Bajaj will launch the updated Chetak electric scooter on December 20, focusing on improving its practicality for everyday use. Sales of the Bajaj Chetak have crossed 3 lakh units in India, marking a strong comeback after a slow start in 2020. The new model features a redesigned battery placement under the footboard, offering increased storage space to better compete with rivals like the Ola S1 and TVS iQube.
Bajaj is set to enhance its Chetak electric scooter with a new model focused on improving practicality and range. The updated version is expected to feature increased under-seat storage, addressing the current 21-litre limitation, and a revamped battery pack to extend its range beyond 137 km. Earlier updates this year, including a new display and upgraded connectivity, have already improved the scooter’s appeal. The new model is likely to carry a premium over the current price range, which starts at Rs 95,998 (ex-showroom).
Bajaj Chetak Electric |
Bajaj Auto’s two-wheeler sales for November 2024 showed a 5% overall growth, reaching 3.68 lakh units. This was driven by a 26% surge in exports, which climbed to 1.64 lakh units from 1.30 lakh units in November 2023. In contrast, domestic sales declined by 7%, dropping to 2.04 lakh units compared to 2.19 lakh units in the same period last year.
Bajaj Chetak |
Bajaj Auto’s total vehicle sales for November 2024 reached around 4.22 lakh units, reflecting a 5% growth compared to 4.03 lakh units last year. Exports played a key role, rising by 24% to 1.81 lakh units, while domestic sales saw a 7% decline, falling to 2.41 lakh units. In the commercial vehicle segment, domestic sales decreased by 5% to 37,243 units, but export sales increased by 10% to 16,321 units. Overall, commercial vehicle sales dipped slightly by 1%, totaling 53,564 units.