The screening of Allu Arjun’s latest release, Pushpa 2, turned scary on Thursday after a fan vandalised a theatre in Telangana and even threatened to kill the owner after the latter failed to screen the film in the theatre. The incident took place in Chennur town of the Mancherial district on the first day of the film’s release.
According to a report in ANI, the man has been identified as Bajjuri Vinay. Vinay visited the Srinivas Theatre in the city to watch Pushpa 2 with his friends, however, he lost his cool when the film was not screened.
He reportedly broke the glass window panes of the theatre and even trespassed into one of the offices to protest against the theatre. Not just that, but he also threatened to kill theatre owner Rajamalla Goud if Pushpa 2 was not played.
The theatre officials then lodged a police complaint against Vinay and he has been booked under relevant sections.
Pushpa 2 has been mired in controversies ever since it hit the theatres. On Wednesday, December 4, a woman died and a child was gravely injured in Hyderabad after a stampede occurred during the special premiere of the film. The screening was attended by Allu Arjun and as soon as he reached the venue, the crowd turned wild, resulting into a stampede and the death of the woman.
Not just that, but in Mumbai, moviegoers fell sick during the screening of Pushpa 2 on Thursday after an unidentified man sprayed a mysterious substance during the interval in Gaiety Galaxy theatre. Members of the audience were seen vomiting and coughing, and the film was halted for 20 minutes.