Jaipur, 6 December (Hindustan Reporter). Rajasthan State Council of Educational Research and Training, Udaipur has issued sample question papers of various subjects for the candidates of eighth board to prepare for the examination and understand the pattern of question papers.

This year, candidates appearing for class 8th examination will be able to prepare for the annual examination with the help of these model question papers. This will help the candidates to understand the paper pattern, so that they can take the exam without any hesitation.

Not only this, the Council has also released the process of mark distribution of questions in this examination. According to this, in most of the subjects there will be 8 objective type questions, 6 very short answer type questions, 7 short answer type questions and three essay type questions. In this way a total of 25 questions will be asked. The number of these question types may vary subject wise, but the entire question paper will consist of 25 questions.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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