Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): High Court, principal bench of Jabalpur, instructed Chikitsak Mahasangh to inform the state government about their pending demands and suggestions in a week and the state government will have to form a high-level committee to discuss resolution of pending demands of doctors in the next two weeks.
Doctors went on strike on May 3, 2023 for Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP) implementation and then a PIL was filed in the High Court Jabalpur.
The HC had dubbed the statewide strike of doctors as ‘illegal’ and doctors will not be able to observe even token strikes in future without the permission of the High Court.
On May 3 last year, on the call of Chikitsak Mahasangh, doctors of all medical colleges, district hospitals, CHC and PHC of the state had gone for strike in the state.
Chikitsak Mahasangh chief convenor Dr Rakesh Malviya said, ‘Today, HC Chief Justice Suresh Kait said regarding the earlier order of the High Court that doctors will be able to do even token strikes in future only with the permission of the High Court. If doctors are aggrieved with the dilemma of the government, they can protest but its guidelines will be determined by the High Court’.