The campaign to remove loudspeakers installed at religious places in Uttar Pradesh has started once again. of Ghaziabad trans hindan Police have launched a special campaign to control noise pollution in the area. Even before this, such a campaign was launched, in which loudspeakers without permission were removed and handed over to schools, where they are being used in prayers and other educational activities.

Campaign started in Ghaziabad

Ghaziabad Police has intensified the process of removing loudspeakers installed without permission at religious places in Trans-Hindon area.

  • Police statement:

    Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone Trans Hindon) said that on December 5, by running a special campaign, the police force started the action of removing loudspeakers without permission in all the police station areas.

  • guidance:

    All officers and employees have been directed to ensure that the use of sound equipment is as per the prescribed standards.

Such a campaign was run earlier also

This is not the first time such a campaign has been launched in Ghaziabad. Even before this, religious places in the district were More than two hundred and fifty loudspeakers Was done as per the standards.

  • Chief Minister’s order:

    Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had given clear instructions that the sound of loudspeakers installed at religious places should be limited to inside the religious place and should not go outside.

  • Result of last campaign:

    The loudspeakers removed during the earlier campaign were handed over to schools, where they are being used in prayers and other activities.

Strictness on noise pollution

Ghaziabad Police is ensuring that all the sound equipment installed at religious places is used within the noise pollution standards.

  • Loudspeakers are being removed without permission.
  • Sound instruments will be allowed to play as per the standards.
  • The campaign will continue until the investigation of all the religious places is completed.

importance of the campaign

Noise pollution not only affects the environment, but it can also increase health problems of people. The objective of this type of campaign is to maintain social and environmental balance.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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