UP CM Yogi Adityanath addressed a program in Ayodhya on Thursday. Inaugurating the Ramayana fair at Ram Katha Park, he said what Babar’s people had done in Ayodhya Kumbh 500 years ago. The same happened in Sambhal and the same is happening in Bangladesh. The nature and DNA of all three are similar.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday gave a statement on the oppression and violence against Hindus in Bangladesh. He said that what Babar did in Ayodhya 500 years ago is happening today in Bangladesh and Sambhal. The nature of all three, the DNA of all three is the same.
CM Yogi Adityanath said, remember what Babar’s men did in Ayodhya Kumbh 500 years ago. The same happened in Sambhal and the same is happening in Bangladesh. The nature and DNA of all three are similar. If anyone believes that this is happening in Bangladesh, then the same elements are ready here also. CM Yogi said these things while inaugurating the Ramayana fair at Ram Katha Park in Ayodhya.