Karan Arjun actress and model Mamta Kulkarni, who was allegedly involved in a Rs 2000 crore international drug racket, has returned to Mumbai, India, after 25 years following her clean chit in the case. On Wednesday, she shared a video on her social media, informing her fans and revealing that she felt really ‘overwhelmed’ and ’emotional’ after returning to ‘Aamchi Mumbai.’

In the video, Mamta was heard saying, “Hey guys, this is Mamta Kulkarni. I just returned to India, Bombay, ‘Aamchi Mumbai’ after 25 years. I’m really nostalgic that I went out of India in 2000, and exactly in 2024, I’m here. I’m really overwhelmed and emotional; I don’t know how to express it.”

“Before the flight landed, I was looking at my left-right. I saw my country from the top for almost 25 years. I became emotional; I had tears in my eyes. I put my foot down out of the Mumbai International Airport, and I became extremely overwhelmed,” she added.

Check out the video:

The Bombay High Court gave Mamta a clean sheet in relation to the 2016 Thane drug haul case. It was alleged that the actress, along with her partner Vicky Goswami and other co-accused, attended a meeting in Kenya in January 2016, which was linked to an international drug racket.

Earlier, Mumbai Police claimed that Kulkarni was involved in the illicit activities and had planned to seek her extradition from Kenya.

Her petition stated, “Merely on the ground that the petitioner has some cordial relationship with co-accused Mr Vicky Goswami, Petitioner cannot be arraigned as accused.”

On the work front, Mamta has starred in several movies including Waqt Hamara Hai, Baazi, Ram Lakhan, Krantiveer, Sabse Bada Khiladi, Andolan, China Gate and more,

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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