Former Femina Miss India Shivankita Dixit became a victim of cyber fraud. The thugs kept him in digital arrest over video call for about two hours and then extorted Rs 99 thousand. The fraudster, posing as a CBI officer, threatened Shivankita and said that money from money laundering and child kidnapping was coming into her bank account. Shivankita is scared after this incident. At present he has lodged a complaint with the cyber cell.

Shivankita Dixit, resident of Manas Nagar, Agra, was Femina Miss India West Bengal in the year 2017.

Shivankita Dixit, resident of Manas Nagar, Agra, was Femina Miss India West Bengal in the year 2017. Last Tuesday evening he received a call from an unknown number. The caller introduced himself as a CBI officer. He told Shivankita that a bank account has been opened in Delhi on the SIM registered with your Aadhar card. Ransom money for human trafficking, money laundering and child kidnapping has been transferred to this bank account.

The fraudster asked someone else to transfer the money.


In this way Shivankita got trapped in the web of fraud and started talking on video call. According to Shivankita Dixit- A person in police dress was seen on the video call. There were three stars on his uniform. Cyber ​​Police Delhi was written in the background. Four officers were talked to one by one. Also talked to the female officer. He said that this matter should be resolved as soon as possible otherwise you will have to go to jail after arrest.

Meanwhile, Shivankita remained on the video call for about two hours and was doing whatever the other person was saying. Meanwhile, Shivankita sent Rs 99,000 online twice to the account specified by the fraudster. When Shivankita said that she no longer had the money, the fraudster asked someone else to transfer the money.

Here Shivankita was talking about cyber fraud and on the other hand her father Sanjay Dixit was knocking on the door outside the room. But Shivankita was not opening the door. After a long wait, the father came to know that his daughter had become a victim of cyber fraud. After which the father went with his daughter and lodged a complaint with the police. Shivankita said that I first called the 1930 helpline and then sent a complaint to the cyber crime cell through email.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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