In Maharashtra, BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis has once again become the CM of Maharashtra. He will take oath as CM tomorrow. At that time, Mahayuti leaders had met the Governor and staked claim to form the government. Governor CP Radhakrishnan has invited Devendra Fadnavis to form the next government. The swearing in ceremony will be held tomorrow. before this
What did Devendra Fadnavis say?
During the press conference, Devendra Fadnavis said that the names of ministers will be finalized by this evening. The swearing-in ceremony will take place tomorrow at 5.30 pm in Mumbai. Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar gave letters in support of me for the post of Chief Minister. We three will decide together. We are confident that Eknath Shinde will join the government. CM, Deputy CM are just technical terms.
What did Ajit Pawar and Eknath Shinde say?
NCP chief Ajit Pawar said that we will try our best to run the government in Maharashtra. Party-related activities will be controlled by Maharashtra BJP chief Chandrashekhar Bawankule and NCP’s Sunil Tatkare. Meanwhile, Shiv Sena president Eknath Shinde said, I am happy that the work our government and our team has done in two and a half years is remarkable. This work will be recorded in history.
Will Shinde take oath?
When Eknath Shinde was asked whether he would also take oath tomorrow? On this he said, be patient, we will tell you by evening. Meanwhile, Ajit Pawar said that I will take oath tomorrow. On this, the three main leaders of Mahayuti started laughing and then Eknath Shinde said that they had taken oath together in the morning and now they will take oath in the evening also.
What did Devendra Fadnavis say?
Devendra Fadnavis said that I am grateful for the post of Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister, till today we are taking decisions together, yesterday I had requested Eknath Shinde to remain in the government. Its positive results will come and Ajit Pawar will also take oath. Regarding the Delhi visit, he said, I had not gone to meet anyone, I had gone for my work.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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