Annapurna Jayanti is celebrated every year on the day of Margashirsha Purnima i.e. the full moon day of Magashar month. This year Annapurna Jayanti is on 15th December, Sunday. On this day, Annapurna, the goddess of food and wealth, is worshiped and fasted. Annapurna Jayanti is celebrated on the full moon day of Margashirsha month. On this day, Goddess Annapurna is worshiped for happiness and wealth in life.

When is Annapurna Jayanti?

The full moon date of Margashirsha month will start at 04:58 PM on 14th December and end at 02:31 PM on 15th December. According to Udaya Tithi, Margashirsha Purnima will be celebrated on 15th December. Along with this, Annapurna Jayanti will also be celebrated on 15th December.

Importance of Annapurna Jayanti

Annapurna Jayanti is celebrated on the day of Margashirsha Purnima. On this day, Mother Annapurna, the goddess of food and wealth, is worshipped. By worshiping, one gets the blessings of Mother Annapurna and there is prosperity in food and wealth in the house. Some people also observe fast on Annapurna Jayanti and perform puja as per rituals and pray to Goddess Annapurna for the fulfillment of their wishes.

Who is Mata Annapurna?

Mata Annapurna is considered to be the form of Mata Durga and Parvati. Mata Annapurna is the goddess of food and prosperity. He also has a deep relationship with Kashi Vishwanath. There is a grand temple in Kashi, where the wishes of the devotees are fulfilled by the darshan of Annapurna Devi. Mother Annapurna fills the grain store.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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