These days, the atmosphere has started feeling cold, due to which health related problems have become common. In this season, pain often occurs in different parts of the body. Apart from this, due to daily hustle and bustle of work, there is pain in some part of the body. Problems like headache, back pain, body pain often cause problems for people. In such a situation, people often use painkillers to get relief from this pain.

Painkillers are the most commonly used medicines around the world. However, excessive use of it is harmful for your health. In fact, painkillers, especially nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and opioids, can be harmful to vital organs like the kidneys and stomach. Let us tell you about these side effects of painkillers-

ulcers and stomach bleeding
Taking painkillers damages the stomach lining, increasing stomach acidity, which increases the risk of ulcers and gastric bleeding. This risk may be higher, especially if you eat it frequently.

Risk of kidney infection increases
Painkillers alter the body’s filtration system, which can cause bacteria to accumulate in the kidneys. If not treated timely, this infection can turn into sepsis, which can cause serious health problems.

risk of kidney stones
Continuous consumption of painkillers also increases the risk of kidney stones. In particular, taking over-the-counter medications can increase calcium levels in the urine, a major cause of kidney stones. In such a situation, taking medicines continuously leads to the formation of stones, which causes problems in the functioning of the kidneys.

risk of kidney damage
Long-term use of painkillers can lead to chronic kidney disease (CKD). NSAIDs block prostaglandins (a hormone that regulates blood flow to the kidneys), causing dehydration and reduced excretion. This increases the risk of kidney damage.

gastrointestinal inflammation
Excessive use of NSAIDs often causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to conditions such as gastritis. This bloating can cause nausea and stomach discomfort.

gastric cancer
If you use painkillers for a long time, it increases the risk of stomach cancer. High acidity and persistent inflammation accelerate cellular changes in the stomach lining, increasing the risk.

Electrolyte balance may be disturbed
Kidneys help regulate electrolyte levels in our body. In such a situation, if you consume painkillers, it stops this process, causing imbalance and causing symptoms like muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat and fatigue.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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