Jammu, 3 December (Hindustan Reporter). Jammu and Kashmir Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Sat Sharma chaired an important meeting of senior leaders of the Kashmir region in Srinagar aimed at strengthening the party’s presence among the masses. In his address, Sharma underlined the importance of intensifying the membership drive and described it as the cornerstone of the BJP’s mission to include and empower all sections of the society. He said membership is the basis of our strength. We must connect with people at every level and make them part of our vision for a progressive and united Jammu and Kashmir.
The meeting also focused on building strong networks at the grassroots level and strategies to deal with the pressing issues faced by residents of the area. Reaffirming the party’s commitment to good governance and development, Sharma assured that the BJP will continue to work to create opportunities and improve the quality of life for all citizens. Senior leaders present echoed Sharma’s sentiments and pledged to work collectively to achieve the party’s goals.