Dehradun, 3 December (Senior). Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that the disabled people have not only made their dreams come true by taking their physical condition as a challenge, but have also worked to inspire the society. The state government is working to increase facilities for the disabled people at every level in the state.
On the occasion of World Disabled Day, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami was addressing the disabled state level proficiency award distribution program organized at Wedding Point on Subhash Road on Tuesday. In this programme, the Chief Minister distributed state level efficiency awards to 89 skilled disabled employees, sportspersons and self-employed disabled people and their employers. These include 25 skilled disabled employees, 32 skilled disabled sportspersons, 30 self-employed disabled persons and two employers of disabled persons. On this occasion, the Chief Minister directed to provide free equipment to all the disabled persons by organizing special camps in all the districts as per their requirement till the upcoming World Disabled Day and to provide assistance to the disabled persons. Announced the provision of free online civil services coaching to students.
While congratulating all the excellent and efficient disabled people who were awarded, the Chief Minister said that this atmosphere of positive energy and enthusiasm is no less than an inspiration for all of us. He said that today we are honoring those disabled heroes of the state, who have not only changed their lives with their confidence, patience and courage but have also worked to change the thinking and attitude of the society towards the disabled.
The Chief Minister said that today, everywhere from government offices to playgrounds, our disabled brothers and sisters are proving their capabilities. Not only this, on the strength of everyone’s dedication and hard work, this line of this poem is meaningful, ‘A boat cannot cross due to fear of waves, those who try never lose.’
The Chief Minister said that today under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, many works are being done for the disabled people in the country. Types of disability were increased from 07 to 21. Today, positive results of this historical change are being seen in the daily lives of people with disabilities. He said that the state government is also working to increase facilities for the disabled people at every level in the state. Today, whenever we build a public building like a hospital or a bus stand, special care is taken to ensure that our disabled brothers and sisters do not face any inconvenience in commuting.
The Chief Minister said that at present a pension of Rs 1500 per month is being given to the disabled people in the state and a maintenance grant of Rs 700 per month is being given to the parents of children disabled from birth till the age of 18 years. A pension of Rs 1200 per month is being given to those who become disabled accidentally while doing agricultural work in rural areas. Even people whose height is less than four feet despite being 21 years of age are being given a pension of Rs 1200 per month. Access to government welfare schemes is being ensured by issuing special identity cards to disabled people.
The Chief Minister said that an amount of Rs 25 thousand is being provided to the disabled couple as an incentive for marrying a disabled person in the state. Not only this, scholarships are also being provided to disabled children from class one to class eight or children of disabled parents. A lump sum amount of Rs. 07 thousand is also being provided to the disabled people with more than 40 percent disability for purchasing artificial limbs or equipment. On this occasion, MLA Khajan Das, Umesh Sharma Kau, Secretary Social Welfare Neeraj Khairwal, Director and Commissioner Divyangjan Prakash Chandra, Additional Secretary Gaurav Kumar and a large number of other people were present.