Angry Birds Mystery Island is an animated fantasy series which is based on the Angry Birds video game series by Rovio Entertainment. Part 3 of the first season is streaming on OTT. The series features the voice of actor Harvey Guillen as Buddy, Dominic Monaghan as Hamylton, and Kate Micucci as Mia.
Where to watch Angry Birds Mystery Island Season 1: Part 3?
The eight episodic series is streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
The story centres around four angry birds who accidentally get struck by an unknown island, and as they are incompatible with each other, they face many problems on the island. Whenever they try to find their way out of the island, the weather or the island’s creatures resist them. However, they must find a way out by overcoming their differences and solving the mysteries of the island. How they find a way to their home is all about the series. The series is based on the themes of adventure, mystery, and overcoming differences.
All about Angry Birds Mystery Island Season 1: Part 3
The series features the voice of actor Harvey Guillen as Buddy, Nasim Pedrad as Rosie, Dominic Monaghan as Hamylton, Kate Micucci as Mia, Black Thought as Bat-Bat, Roger Craig Smith as Tree Frog, Avril Lavigne as Tuba, and Ernie Hudson as Marlon, among others.
It is produced by Eric Rogers, Shannon Prynoski, Chris Prynoski, Antonio Canobbio, and Ben Kalina under Rovio Animation, Rovio Entertainment, Titmouse, Inc and Amazon MGM Studios.