Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): A hilarious incident of theft was reported from Madhya Pradesh’s Jabalpur on Monday night, where a masked thief arrived in e-rickshaw to steal a parked auto-rickshaw.

The incident took place on intervening night of Monday-Tuesday in Sneh Nagar are of Jabalpur. The CCTV footage showed a thief, along with his friend, getting off the e-rickshaw and fleeing with an auto-rickshaw!

The video has left netizens chuckling over the irony. The owner of the stolen auto has filed a complaint with the Madan Mahal police. The police, armed with CCTV evidence, have launched an investigation into the matter.

Watch the CCTV here:-

Money or rickshaw upgrade?

According to information, the incident took place in Sneh Nagar, under the jurisdiction of the Madan Mahal police station. In the footage, the thief is seen arriving casually in an e-rickshaw, only to drive away moments later in the stolen auto-rickshaw. Now, it is unclear whether the thief wanted a new way to earn money or the e-rickshaw driver needed an upgrade. The video has sparked a row of hilarious conversations and comments on social media.

The owner of the auto rickshaw filed a complaint of theft at Madan Mahal police station and requested immediate assistance. Police filed an FIR into the matter and began looking for evidence. Looking for the same, they found out that a CCTV camera was placed right adjacent to the auto rickshaw. Police quickly recovered the footage and began reviewing it. The officers have gathered evidence into the matter and have begun investigations.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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