Sambhal violence in Uttar Pradesh: The winter session of Parliament is going on. There is a lot of uproar over opposition supported violence and American allegations against Adani. Then today (3 December) SP chief and MP Akhilesh Yadav took an aggressive stand against the government regarding the Sambhal violence. He said, ‘Sambal violence is a well-planned conspiracy. The brotherhood was shot in Sambhal.

‘Police responsible’
Regarding the Sambhal violence, Akhilesh Yadav said in Parliament, ‘Everyone in this area was living with brotherhood but the atmosphere was spoiled in the name of Jama Masjid survey. The way the excavation in Jama Masjid is being discussed will spoil the harmony of the country.


Akhilesh’s aggressive stance…
Akhilesh said that the officials are acting arbitrarily. All this is happening at the behest of the government. This kind of behavior has never been seen before. At least action should be taken against the responsible officials. Those who do excavations (surveys) at various places will lose the harmony of the country. This is a well thought out strategy. Under which BJP is doing such activities everywhere.

‘Government does not respect the Constitution’

Akhilesh Yadav cornered the government and said, ‘The present government does not believe in the Constitution. The petition was filed on November 19, but the survey orders were issued without hearing the other side. If the survey was done once then what was the need to go for the second time.

Demand for strict action against police officers

On the issue of Sambhal violence, SP leader Akhilesh Yadav said, ‘Police stopped people from offering Namaz. When people questioned the police as to why this survey was being conducted for the second time, instead of answering, bullets were fired at them. The police are responsible for spoiling the atmosphere in Sambhal and strict action should be taken against the officers who committed this act.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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