Mumbai: The DN nagar police arrested two man including a 53-year-old man for allegedly sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in the Andheri area. The accused, who was known to the victim, reportedly gained her trust before introducing her to another man. He then made a video of the two and used it to blackmail the girl, threatening to show it to her parents and defame her.

The victim girl lives in Andheri area and is currently studying. The accused lives in the same area and both of them are known to each other. In the second week of November, he tried to gain her trust by getting close to her. He then introduced her to a young man. He had induced her to befriend him.

While chatting with young man, he made a video of both of them on his mobile phone. He started blackmailing her by threatening to show the video to her parents and defame her. So this girl was very scared. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he brought her home and sexually assaulted her from November 8 to November 28, 2024.

As they both lived in the same locality, he had asked a young man to keep watch outside his house in case anyone came. Every time the girl was sexually assaulted by the accused, he stayed there as a watch. She recently told this to her parents. They were shocked to hear this ordeal.

Then the victim’s parents approached DN Nagar police and filed a complaint against the accused along with the youth. After this complaint, the police registered a case against both the accused. As soon as the case was registered, both the accused were arrested by the police. After his arrest, he was produced in a special POCSO court. This time the court has remanded both of them to police custody.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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