Bollywood’s rising star Vikrant Massey has surprised everyone by announcing that he is taking a break from the industry at the peak of his career. Vikrant, who has received praise for his acting in films like ’12th Fail’ and ‘The Sabarmati Report’, has shared a post on social media about his decision. He said that he will not be seen in films after 2025. His fans are disappointed after hearing this news.
Vikrant Massey wrote in his post, “The last few years have been wonderful for me. I express my heartfelt gratitude for your endless love and support. But now I feel that I need to spend more time with my family. Now it is time for me to return home as a father, husband, son and actor.”
Vikrant said that in 2025 he will say goodbye to the audience with his last two projects. Vikrant wrote in his post, “We will meet for the last time in 2025. After this I will be on a break until the right time comes. I will always be grateful to you for the beautiful memories of these few years.
Recently released 12th Fail has given new heights to Vikrant’s career. In the film, Vikrant played the story of an IPS officer with such simplicity and depth that he was appreciated. This film proved to be Vikrant’s biggest hit and Vikrant also received many awards. Vikrant’s acting in Haseen Dilruba and then Ae Haseen Dilruba was also highly appreciated.
His second famous film ‘The Sabarmati Report’ also made a lot of headlines. In this film based on the Godhra incident, Vikrant plays the role of a journalist who struggles to bring out the truth. The film was also appreciated in political and social circles. Although Vikrant has announced a break, his three big films will be released by 2025. Vikrant will be seen in projects like Yaar Jigri and Aankhon Ki Gustakhiyan. Fans are now eagerly waiting for these films.