Enath Shinde Son Srinath Shinde big statement: Amidst the ongoing political turmoil over the post of Chief Minister in Maharashtra, politics has heated up due to a tweet by Eknath Shinde’s son Shrikant Shinde. Shrikant Shinde has made it clear by tweeting that I will not become Deputy CM. I am not in the race for any ministerial post in the state. The swearing-in ceremony of the Grand Alliance government is getting delayed and recently there is a lot of discussion about it and many rumors are also flying. Rumors are rife that acting Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has gone to his native village for two days due to ill health and is resting there.

All the news going on regarding my post of Deputy Chief Minister is baseless.

Shrikant Shinde said that for the last two days the news is spreading that I am going to become the Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, but in reality there is no truth in it and all the news of my becoming the Deputy Chief Minister is baseless.

Shrikant further wrote in the tweet, ‘Even after the Lok Sabha elections, I got a chance to become a minister in the central government, but even then I rejected the ministerial post thinking of working for the party organization. I have no desire for a position in power. Let me clarify once again that I am not in the race for any ministerial post in the state. I will work only for my Lok Sabha constituency and my party Shiv Sena.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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