We exchange many things. But sometimes such things come in front of us knowingly or unknowingly, which cause financial loss. Therefore, these things should never be brought from home. The things mentioned in astrology and scriptures hold an important place in life. Many times a person is not aware of this, hence he commits mistakes knowingly or unknowingly and this becomes the cause of destruction.

The things a person uses affect his energy.

A person exchanges many things with acquaintances in his daily life. But there are some things which should never be brought from home. Because these things brought into other people’s homes can put you in trouble. According to Vastu Shastra, the things a person uses affect his energy. Changing the ownership of an object also changes its energy. Therefore, do not bring such things from your home which have a lot of negative energy influence.

Along with furniture, negative energy also comes into the house.


Along with furniture, negative energy also enters the house and causes Vaastu defects. By bringing old furniture home, you invite poverty and this can ruin a happy family. Many times when we go to someone’s house, we wear someone else’s shoes, but this should not be done. Astrologer Anish Vyas explains that the first place in the body from where negative energy comes out is the feet. When you wear someone else’s shoes, negativity enters inside you too and starts troubling you.

It is also not auspicious to bring an umbrella from someone else’s house.

Umbrella: Bringing an umbrella from someone else’s house is also not auspicious. By doing this the position of the planets gets spoiled. Even if for some reason you have to bring an umbrella from someone else’s house, do not bring it inside the house and return it after use.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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