Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey announced his retirement from acting in the wee hours of Monday. The 12th Fail actor thanked his fans for their support and stated that he now wants to “go home” as a husband, father and son. Vikrant also shared that his two films releasing in 2025 would be his last ones.

Vikrant took to his Instagram to announce his decision to step back from showbiz. “The last few years and beyond have been phenomenal. I thank each and everyone of you for your incredible support. But as I move forward, I realise it’s time to recalibrate and go back home. As a husband, father and a son. And also as an actor,” he wrote.

“So coming 2025, we would meet each other for one last time. Until time deems right. Last 2 movies and many a years of memories. Thank you again. For everything and everything in between. Forever indebted,” he concluded.

Vikrant Massey’s net worth

As per reports, Vikrant’s net worth is between Rs 20 crore to Rs 26 crore. The actor reportedly charges Rs 1 crore to Rs 2 crore per project. Most of his income comes from films and web shows, along with brand endorsements and social media handles.

In 2020, Vikrant purchased a luxurious sea-facing house in Mumbai, where he currently resides with his wife, Sheetal Thakur and newborn son, Vardaan. “I have the sea right in front of me. It’s a 180-degree sea view where I see nature’s art every single day,” he had said earlier in an interview with Hindustan Times.

Vikrant also has a number of luxury cars in his possession, including a Rs 1.16 crore Mercedes Benz GLS, a Rs 60 lakh Volvo S90 and a Maruti Swift Dzire. Not just that, but he also owns a Rs 12 lakh Ducati Monster motorcycle.

Vikrant Massey’s upcoming movies

On the work front, Vikrant will be next seen in Aankhon Ki Gustakhiyaan, which will also feature with Shanaya Kapoor.

If reports are to be believed, Vikrant will also essay the role of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in his biopic, which is scheduled to release in 2025. It has, however, not been officially announced.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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