A seven-year-old boy, Ujwal Rabi Singh, allegedly died after falling into a pit filled with water at the ST depot in Nehru Nagar, Kurla East. The incident occurred at 4.15 pm on Saturday. According to the police, Ujwal, who lived in Utsala Nagar near the ST depot, went to the ST depot premises to play with his friends. There was ongoing construction work, during which a pit was dug and filled with water. While playing, Ujwal mistakenly fell into the pit and drowned. Bystanders rushed him to Rajawadi Hospital, Ghatkopar East, where the doctors pronounced him dead after examination.
The Nehru Nagar police have registered an accidental death report. According to sources, it is unclear whether the boy accidentally fell or jumped into the pit. His father passed away two months ago, and he is survived by his mother and elder brother.