Patna, 30 November (HS). Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Saturday inspected the site of the river front being built on both banks of the Sugarway river in Araria Sangram of Jhanjharpur block and appreciated the work. During this, Deputy Chief Minister Samrat Chaudhary, JDU’s working national president and Rajya Sabha member Sanjay Kumar Jha were present.

The Water Resources Department is carrying out construction of four hundred meters long river front and permanent bank protection work on both banks of the Sugarway River between Mithila Haat in Araria Sangram of Jhanjharpur block and the weir built on the Sugarway River. To enable tourists to travel easily on both sides, a foot overbridge is also being constructed. Provision for plantation has also been made here to beautify the river front and increase greenery in the area.

While this scheme of the Water Resources Department will enhance the beauty of the surroundings, it will also provide protection to the area from floods. Through this, government and non-government institutions like Mithila Haat, Government Polytechnic College and Government School located in Araria Sangram will get protection from the erosion of Sugarway River. Also, the complex of Mithila Haat will be developed.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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